Inside Golf Manitoba

Volunteers Recognized in 2020

Volunteers have been at the heart of Golf Manitoba since its founding in 2003 and prior to that for both the Manitoba Ladies’ Golf Association and the Manitoba Golf Association.

We cannot say enough about our fabulous group of outstanding, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers that have continued to sustain Golf Manitoba as a viable organization over our 105 years of operation! Our wonderful volunteers continue to fill the many critical roles necessary to allow Golf Manitoba to achieve its vision of providing quality, innovative and accessible programs and services to our membership. Volunteer roles with Golf Manitoba include:

It is vital to Golf Manitoba to recognize and thank its volunteers as we could not deliver our programs and services without them. The Volunteer Recognition Program recognizes volunteers with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25+ years of service. Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS to the following individuals who achieved milestones in volunteerism with Golf Manitoba in 2020:

5-years of Service:

10-years of Service:

15-years of Service:

20-years of Service:

25-years of Service:

New for 2020, we are retro-actively recognizing volunteer milestones beyond 25 years. Congratulations and THANK YOU to the following individuals on 30, 35 and 40+ years of service:

30-years of Service:

35-years of Service:

40-years of Service:

For more information on volunteering with Golf Manitoba, please visit