Safe Sport
Golf Manitoba has aligned with Golf Canada, Sport Manitoba and the Respect Group in committing to fostering a safe sport environment for Golf.
All golfers and volunteers deserve to participate and compete in an environment free from bullying, abuse, harassment or discrimination, regardless of gender identity or expression, race, religion, language, age and ability.
Respect in Sport
Parent Program
At least one parent or guardian of each competitor registered in a Junior Golf Manitoba Championship will be required to complete the Respect in Sport – Parent Program as a condition of participation. If a parent or guardian of a competitor has not completed the program prior to any Junior Golf Manitoba Championship, they will not be permitted on the golf course.
Activity Leaders Program
This course is required by all Team Manitoba Coaches & Managers.
Officials Program
This course is required by all tournament staff and referees.
Respect in the Workplace Program
This course is required by all staff, coaches, board members, referees and course raters.
Sport Support Line
Sport Manitoba take its commitment to athlete safety very seriously and have established a Sport Support Line managed 365 days of the year to ensure community members participating in sport have an appropriate outlet to report abuse. In Manitoba the law requires that anyone who suspects a child may be in danger must report their concerns. The Support Line can assist you in making that report.
Click here for more information.
Golf Canada
Golf Canada has a fundamental obligation and responsibility to protect the health, safety, and physical and mental well-being of athletes, staff, volunteers and other participants involved in its activities. As the National Sport Organization for golf, Golf Canada plays a leadership role in promoting this safe sport environment across the golf landscape in Canada.
Click here for more information.