Inside Golf Manitoba

Golf Industry Update from the Province of Manitoba

The Province of Manitoba has advised that within the current Public Health Order (May 12, 2021), organized team, league play events or competitions such as Ladies Day, Men’s Night, Club leagues or Match Play events including Mundie Putter and Ladies Nassau events are not allowed at this time under Order 13 (4).

As golf courses in Manitoba remain open, the Manitoba Allied Golf Associations (Canadian Society of Club Managers, Golf Manitoba, Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association, National Golf Course Owners Association Canada and PGA of Manitoba), continue to encourage all member clubs to remain vigilant to ensure that all public health measures are met or exceeded at all of our golf courses moving forward.

A reminder, physical distancing (2 meters / 6 feet) is mandatory with people from outside your household.

We strongly recommend the following “best practices” public health standards for both golf courses and golfers to abide by:

  1. Hand sanitizer is available at entrances and exits for public and staff use.
  2. Washrooms have frequent sanitization and a regime for business sanitization is in place.
  3. Public use items, such as ball washing stations, bunker rakes and water fountains are closed or removed.
  4. Pins on green remain in the hole at all times during play.

For further information, contact:

Brian Munz
Director of Communications
Golf Manitoba
Phone: (204) 899-1092